Hello, I'm a freelance illustrator based in the UK.
I was born in London, and started out in illustration with work for fantasy & horror small press magazines in the '80s, in particular the H.P. Lovecraft-devoted Dagon. My first professional commissions came from Games Workshop for their magazine White Dwarf, and this began a long relationship with the company, illustrating lots of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay publications and the very first Warhammer 40,000 book, as well as many other GW books and boardgames. I've also done game-related material for other publishers, including covers and internal illustrations for twenty-two (I think) of the Fighting Fantasy series from Puffin Books/Wizard Books, and card art for Magic: The Gathering from Wizards of the Coast.I've also produced artwork for various publishers around the world including Scholastic, Time-Warner, HarperCollins and Oxford University Press, illustrating popular authors such as Anne McCaffrey, Raymond E. Feist and Harry Turtledove, as well as some classics including Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde and The Silver Sword. I was fortunate enough to receive the British Fantasy Award for Best Artist.
I illustrated the book accompanying the album release of Misterstourworm & the Kelpie's Gift, an orchestral work based on stories and characters from Scottish legend. My artwork was used as large-scale backdrops for live performances of the work by The Orchestra of Scottish Opera, with narration by Lord of the Rings actor Billy Boyd.
As an author, I've written some books about digital art including Digital Fantasy Painting Workshop and Digital Horror Art, and edited Fantasy Art Now published by Collins. In addition to work in publishing, I occasionally do concept and production art for computer games (following two years as an in-house artist at Eidos Interactive), and film and television productions which have included the BAFTA-nominated The Magician of Samarkand for the BBC, and most recently Gulliver's Travels for 20th Century Fox.
Currently: October 2015: My latest picture book The Crocodolly was published in hardback by Scholastic last month, and is available in Australia, New Zealand, and soon to be released throughout Asia in English, also with a translation into Chinese. The Crocodolly is something of a companion to my earlier picture book The Octopuppy which has been doing pretty well internationally -- more info at Right now I'm working on my next picture book; so most of my energies have been directed towards my books for children. But I've also just finished another album cover for Axel Rudi Pell, which is the fifth sleeve I've done for his records. I've also been doing a little bit of work on the Game of Thrones computer game.
The Haunter of the Dark
Saturday, September 14, 2019
One of three pics I had on display at the Providence Art Club in the Ars Necronomica exhibition, which was on throughout August. This was part of the NecronomiCon Lovecraftian convention, held in author H.P.Lovecraft's home town of Providence, Rhode Island. In America. I did this one to tie-in with the show's theme of "Dark Dreams in the Divine City".
The return of Return
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Eight original drawings that I did for the Fighting Fantasy book Return to Firetop Mountain in 1992 were returned to me recently. They've been missing for over twenty-five years. I bought them on eBay. My thanks to a kind FF collector for sending me the link. Wherever they've been they're none the worse for wear, although they now smell a bit funny. Like they'd been in a dungeon, appropriately enough. Top photo is how they appeared on eBay, followed by photos of some of them out of their frames.
She's a model and she's looking blue
Sunday, July 29, 2018
This picture I did of a blue witch a while back has been sculpted as a bust, and will shortly be released in kit form by Massive Miniatures. The model was sculpted by the super-talented Leonardo Escovar Quintero. Here are a couple of work-in-progress photos, and the final sculpt.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
I'm now making prints of my stuff available at ArtPal. There'll be a selection of my more popular pics that are most frequently requested as prints. I'll also make my Fighting Fantasy artwork available, so FF collectors please check there before contacting me directly about prints. Print gallery at ArtPal.
Artwork Archive
Friday, April 20, 2018
I've started these Flickr sets to present various early work -- such as my earliest Games Workshop stuff for Green & Pleasant Land, The Enemy Within, and Death on the Reik. All kinds of stuff from the archives which wouldn't otherwise get an airing. There's a long way to go, but I'll keep adding (for as long as Flickr continues to exist). I've also put all of my Fighting Fantasy interiors up there organised by book, so they can all be seen together (warts and all). McKenna Archive
Knight's Call
Friday, March 23, 2018
Released today, the new album from Axel Rudi Pell. This is the sixth cover I've done for the band.